I.S. With respect to my living situation, the timeline was pretty close to what Vicki said. She also told me that there could be supportive females to help me move forward in my life and that was very true. Today’s reading is very accurate regarding what is on my mind. Vicki confirmed the positive changes and that I’m on the right path.
N.D. I was shocked that the messages resonated with me. She hit on target with everything — selling my house, the changes in my relationship, all on target.
H.H. It was right spot on when she read my grand daughter’s cards. They were so true. Our cards turned up similar because she is a mini-me.
S.L. The reading was a long forecast and a lot of information. When it started to happen in my life, it was strangely accurate.
R.P. Thank you! You are the best! I wish I had taken better notes but I got the gist of the message and took your advice to heart. I did contact him after the reading and he confirmed he was feeling quite down and he opened up to me. So it was a breakthrough. I took the lead on the communication as you suggested and it paid off.
L.R. Vicki! Thank you for the great reading. Your insight is uncanny. This was my second reading, I just had to understand somethings going on in my life. My first reading with you proved so incredibly accurate – I knew that another reading would help me. Thank you!
C.M. Thanks for the insight that you’ve provided me during our readings. They are always uplifting and remind me to love myself and the gifts I have in my life!
S.B. I’ve had a lot of readings and this one was the most accurate without you knowing anything about me. Every single card fit. Everything just aligned and as a result, I released a ton of stress.
P.F. Vicki pretty much nailed it! I’ve been sitting on the fence with a situation and I have a strong network of women of support around me. Thank you! I needed this today!
K.W. The spiritual energies did come through and was validated today. That’s what I came here for.
V.P. When I first came I was skeptical. It was for a different vision about what was coming. Three months after the reading, I listened to the recording and was shocked about the accuracy. Vicki gives examples to see a different perspective than when friends offer advice. I felt happy after the readings.
F.A.B. Everything what you said happened, especially about him having a new woman in his life.
C.G.B. It gave me the confidence to know that things will work out!
L.R. Unreal! This reading made me very happy. Dead on accurate, very insightful. Vicki nailed it!
F.B. Very insightful. It clarified the path that I need to travel.
A.G. Vicki’s readings were accurate about situations that others had no details about.
K.C. The info presented was exactly what I was feeling…past, present and how I feel today. It is how it is! The message was positive and I’m going in the right direction.
M.B. From the last reading, everything was bang on. During the reading my husband kept looking at me. As Vicki was reading, everything fit: work, health and family issues. After that everything moved forward. We are back again, feeling in a rut. Today’s reading suggested we need to put out more information to friends and family about our situation.
M.W. You make seeing the past, present and future a lovely experience!
C.C. It was spot on. There were some interesting things that came up that I never thought about. It will help me clear up a lot of my issues. Your last reading helped me prepare for events that were coming up.
N.D. Bull’s eye! The reading provided me with clear directions and was very comprehensive. Bottom line is that I will definitely do this again and definitely recommend Vicki.
F.D. Very confirming and eye opening for me. It helped me to reassess myself and be prepared for the challenges: financially, family-wise, emotionally and mentally. There was an aspect that I wasn’t sure of and the reading confirmed my intuition.
R.M. Enlightening. You know what’s on the other side. The fog that was there is lifted, and I can see the light.
T.M. I was really happy with my reading from Vicki. I will most definitely be back and I will also keep her posted on a few things that she touched on.
F.G. I’m so impressed that I made a lot of changes because of the cards, with my attitude and the way I treat people; to respect myself and others.
K.M. The legal stuff was right on. You hit the nail on the head with so many things in a positive way that I feel I can handle what’s happening. Right on, right on! It gives me hope.
M.K. Everything matches: my job, lovelife and health. All on point.
E.K. The reading is very validating. Even the negative info is reassuring to know.
H.M. All my readings have been 100 percent accurate and I need a monthly membership!!
A.J. Very accurate in the tarot readings and Vicki has lots of patience. She answers all questions and is a very caring person.
M.F. Affirming in a lot of areas. Surprising in some. Definitely I’m where I should be.
L.A.V. The reading lines up with all the messages I’ve had for the year!
C.C. A lot of clarification and validation. Nice reminders and you helped bring me back to center.
J.B. Feeling comfortable with moving forward. It’s going to be okay. The past is the past.
K.S. Definitely goosebumps. Things Vicki said have happened or are in the process of happening.
M.B. Very accurate. Confirming where I am. Pretty much, everything!
F.K. This gave me a good sense of peace with what’s happening at work and to look forward to it rather than dreading it.
K.C. It gave me the message to stay the course.
Z.P. Very true, unbelievable. It all made sense!
A.P. So scary true. Everything you are saying is right on, it’s what I’ve been feeling.
N.C. What I’m seeing, is a lot of foretelling. Things are in bud form and about to blossom. It’s like a light switch coming on. I was in dark place and this really brought it to light. Very reassuring. My “nose” is heading in the right direction.
M.H. Pretty impressive! I’m shocked!
N.S. It opened my eyes. I had no idea that I could connect what Vicki said to my life.
B.S. It’s weird how much popped out at me. Reassuring that things are going in the right direction.
H.P. You have no idea how much I appreciate my reading! I have been so content since! And everything was 100% accurate and I want all my friends to feel that way:)
R.K. I just wanted to thank you again for everything! You are definitely a very intuitive, kind and gifted tarot reader. I had a very positive, eye-opening experience with you. I left the reading feeling very calm, focused & positive!! It felt like I had known you for years! I am definitely coming back to see you again. I will be recommending you to anyone I know who is looking for a tarot reading, I’m truly impressed! If you’re looking to have a reading done then you need to see Vicki, she is definitely the real deal and you will not be disappointed. Vicki is so friendly and warm you will feel very comfortable with her. Sincerely, Ronita.
K.M. It did fit for me and made sense!
S.S. There was one thing I wanted to show up in the cards and it did!
V.Z. & S.W. Very fitting and uncanny.
L.G. Very positive, and a great majority of things are accurate. I’m very pleased and coming back for a third reading.
S.K. Spot on. It made sense to me!
K.R. Every card I could apply to every aspect that’s happening in my world.
T.H. This is making a heck of a lot of sense!
L.T. Quite relevant and all positive!
M.S.J. Vicki has the gift of knowledge and the universe is definitely working with her!
W.K. I found the first reading quite fascinating. It’s accurate with what’s going on in my life. I did an online reading last month and Vicki’s reading was really, really similar.
D.K. Actually that was pretty close. I was surprised. I wasn’t expecting it to be as exact as it was.
A.P. True to the heart. Bang on.
J.B. I feel very uplifted, looking forward and excited about the future.
K.H. Very insightful and in tune with what’s going on in my life right now.
A.T. Very accurate and pertinent!
D.G. The reading was accurate with my life — with relationships, about me receiving, and the work changes.
K.M. & L.M. It fit in our lives and was perfect. Spot on!
T.S. I gave no info and Vicki picked up on the work issues instantly.
C.C. Felt validated about my feelings regarding the situation.
CJR. Pretty dead on!
J.K. It helped me a lot and everything for the future is a new beginning.
A.C. Thank you so much for the insightful reading. It’s honestly one of my most life changing events because it’s brought a lot of clarity and begun a path towards peace that I wasn’t really aware of before.
K.M. It was bang on! Very accurate with what’s going on.
F.B. Mind boggling. Completely accurate. It was as if Vicki had been there for our conversations this afternoon before we came here!
J.M. Reassuring that what I’m feeling, I will heal. It gives me confirmation that things will get better.
S.B. Nervous at first because Vicki hit on so many points. Definitely confirmation and validation.
K.K. It was bang-on, amazing!
C.B. Pretty dead on, for all aspects—financial and relationship, and confirmation of life moving fast and forward.
K.S. Pretty correct with my relationship. Pretty spot on with his characteristics!
S.O. I’ve never had my cards read before. It’s amazing how true they are!
M.T.P. I loved it! It reconfirmed to me that I need to move on to another chapter of my life.
B.R. When I went to see Vicki it was because I needed help with a current situation in my life. During the third spread everything became clear and she was able to tell me details that I had not yet told my closest friends. Thank you Vicki, for your priceless guidance.
S.D. – I went back over the recording of the reading and it made total sense. It answered all my questions, and more! I’m coming back for more readings!
Y.V. – Vicki was so informative and did a fantastic job! Not only put a lot of effort into all her readings but went out of her way to be a great hostess as well.
J.D. – A well done night! The Tea leaf readings were really fun. Everyone was impressed with their Tarot Card readings, and left with lots to think about. Vicki was a great host.
May – J. really enjoyed the reading and we both got good messages. Thank you for coming out!
C.W. – I really enjoyed having more than one spread during our tarot readings, I felt it provided more information than just a single spread. The best part for me was seeing my daughter get excited looking in her own teacup. The excitement and knowledge are priceless.
T.B. I was blown away by the personal and financial information that no one knew about and Vicki confirmed it.
K.C. Very accurate readings. The messages flow through, loud and clear!
D.T. Wow! You were bang-on with my money situation & I’m coming back for another reading!
N.T. – Everything Vicki said did come true — it’s time for another reading!
S.B. – Vicki is an amazing tarot reader. She told me I would be changing residence. At the time, I couldn’t imagine such an event. In retrospective, Vicki was dead on! I am a regular client now because she provides invaluable insight and guidance that I can’t get from anyone else.
M.V.S. – You are an amazing tarot reader. I receive value in all the readings you have done for me. Continue your focus for you are gifted and passionate and a pleasure to connect with.
J.D. – I had two readings within weeks of each other for different reasons both confirmed the other reading and both were accurate!! My life has never been better and I believe Vicki’s readings helped me greatly to not over react!! Thank you so much Vicki… I refer you to everyone!!! Xoxox
N.F. – Vicki’s readings are phenomenal. She is very insightful and has vast life experience.
B.B. – Thank you for the great reading Vicki. Very accurate!!!!! 2 days after your reading a Capricorn male friend that I haven’t seen for ages called just like you said would happen. Thanks again…..:)
E. C. – I do weekly readings with Vicki to prepare myself for events that occur. This helps me be proactive and have positive outcomes!
B.B. I just had to let you know that so much of what you said in my reading has turned out. I got a new job. We finished the negotiations today and i will be signing off my revised job offer tomorrow. I could have stayed at my job but thought a fresh start was the way to go. Just like your reading had said. Your readings are getting very accurate and I just wanted to let you know. Thanks so much.