The Celtic Cross Spread
The Celtic Cross Spread is used as a first general card layout of the current situation. It is important to notice which cards repeat again in the second spread. This is key information to pay attention for future reference.
The Celtic Cross is one of the most commonly used spreads in tarot readings. It consists of a 10 card lay-out in the form of a Celtic Cross (equal armed cross in a circle) and a staff.
I use the Celtic Cross spread as a basic layout, to see which of these cards repeat in future tarot spreads. I feel those are bonus messages from Spirit regarding things for you to focus on. It is a quick card layout, talking about recent past, near future, the next 6 months, hopes or fears and outcomes.

Think of a reading as telling a story. The story starts with the client’s current state (position 1), and what may be the biggest current problem (position 2). Next, go into what has propelled the client into that situation (positions 3 and 4). Examine how the seeker feels about the current situation (position 5). What is in store for the seeker next (position 6)? What will be going on inside of the client at this time (position 7), and what will be going on around him/her (position 8)? What are the main expectations or concerns (position 9). Finally, if things go unaltered, what will be the result (position 10).
Remember, the future is not set in stone. The cards are a great tool to help us decide our plan of action in order to obtain the desired result. They don’t rule us, or make things happen to us. Give an honest reading, and you can help a number of people with the Celtic Cross spread.